Tiffany B Chanel, Abstract Artist

Photo: Tiffany B Chanel

Tiffany B Chanel - Abstract Artist - on the Art of Letting Go, the Importance of Cultivating Relationships, and Experiencing Peace

Tiffany B Chanel is an abstract artist currently based in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn. As a creative, her work has also encompassed sneaker and jewelry design.  She has produced work for clients such as Tami Roman from Basketball Wives, and actress Tamera Mowry-Housley, best known for her role on “Sister, Sister.” Currently, Tiffany hosts “Paint & Chill” sessions on the last Friday of every month, where individuals gather to experience relaxation in an intimate and artistic setting.

Check out the interview I conducted with Tiffany to find out how, as an artist, she has “mastered the art of letting go”; the defining moment that lead her to pursuing her craft full-time; why she chooses to be heavily and directly involved with her community, careful to build solid and trustworthy relationships with her supporters; what happens during her “alone time” in the studio; and the legacy she hopes to leave behind.

Jasmine: Hi, Tiffany, thank you for doing this interview. You are a sneaker and abstract artist living in New York. Tell me some things I might not know about you.

Photo: Tiffany B Chanel , "Family Photo"

Tiffany: Well before the art, I actually started out making jewelry. I was known for making earrings and my jewelry was featured on Russian Dolls, Essence, Tami Roman from Basketball Wives, Fuse magazine on singer Rye Rye, and many other[s]. So once upon a time, when people heard the name Tiffany B Chanel, they automatically thought jewelry. I started painting in 2012, and I launched my website on my birthday. November will make 5 years of me being an artist. Outside of painting for clients and shows, I host “Paint & Chill” classes every last Friday of each month. I also work with schools, doing a “Family Art Night” as a way of giving back and bringing families together to bond with their children, [at the same time as doing] something positive.

Credit: Tiffany B Chanel, "Paola, 20 x 20, 2016"

Jasmine: Your art is bold and confident. You focus heavily on “people” as your subjects, using blocks of color to enhance their facial features. I appreciate an artist that uses color unafraid and in interesting ways. True-to-date, there are artists whose work stays hidden away because of self-doubt and one not-so-inspiring comment from a person who lacks appreciation for the wide ranges of art the creative world has to offer. To intensify the degradation, they’re convinced that what they’ve created is not good enough to earn a living from, even when  the standard of what “good enough” is lacks definition and is arguably unreasonable. But then, you have that dauntless group of artists who shamelessly set their work upon a mantle for all to see, regardless of what others may think. They appreciate support, but this work is personal, therefore, they take personal responsibility for encouraging and rooting for themselves. It is what they do, who they are. Tell me why you choose to do this kind of art and how it helps to express who you are as an individual, as a woman.

Credit: Tiffany B Chanel, "Lupita 24 x 30, 2016"

Tiffany: Both ways that you describe the different types of artists is true. As for me, I realized a lot about myself from the people who were paying attention to my growth. The one line I always heard from creative beings or entrepreneurs was, “Tiffany you mastered the art of letting go!” It took me a while to understand what they meant because I was naturally just being me, and moving how I move. To be honest, I didn’t choose to paint faces - it chose me. I received an opportunity to paint Tamera Mowry’s son, Aden. I had never painted a face for a person before. I felt that if I was being asked to do this, most likely it’s because they know I can. After doing it, [a lot] of  people started contacting me for portraits, and that is how it began. I don't have to think about the people I paint, I just see the colors from the moment I am shown the picture.

How I create showed me a lot about how I see, how I think, and who I am.

Painting on canvas helped me to express who I am as an individual. I say that because paintings take many hours and days to complete. It helped me to see all of the things I had in me that I wasn't aware of.

Jasmine: Tiffany, when was the defining moment you decided to go full-force into the creative world?

Tiffany: I decided to go full force in the creative world when I finally found my passion. I have always been creative, but not necessarily passionate. Being creative came naturally, so I had to be fulfilled. And, once I was [fulfilled], I knew that painting was my passion.

Painting became a challenge when I decided that I would never paint the same thing twice.

It was also a great feeling to create for people all over the world that I had never met. I would just read their words and try to connect to who they were. [I wanted ] to understand how to create something that they would fall in love with. The feeling of being challenged and impacting so many people became so addictive. I automatically knew that creating for people was my purpose.

Photo: Tiffany B Chanel

Jasmine: Let’s talk about relationships and community. I have an educational background in communication and have learned the complexities of navigating that space. When all the definitions, theories, and studies are put aside, there is one thing that remains: communication is one of the strongest tools one can utilize to build relations among others. You conduct a lot of interactive art events for your community of supporters. A lot of your posts on social media not only highlight your work, but truly show the level of interaction and relationship you ’ve cultivated with those around you. There are other artists who opt for a more private lifestyle; choosing rather that their artwork to be what spectators interact with. Tell me why you feel it is important to connect with your audience in this way, and how it has strengthened and refined you.

Tiffany: I feel that it is important to connect with my audience because they are actually the people who are supporting my passion. Realistically, there are some people who do not want to purchase art until they have met the artist. Once [we have met], they are able to purchase [because] they know [the] artist behind the work.

Photo: Tiffany B Chanel

In my community, I have “Paint & Chill” classes where I do not paint with the group, [but]  instead talk them through it. I show them that it doesn’t matter if they have never painted before. I watch my crowd and talk each person through it based on things they can relate to and they all end up leaving with a masterpiece. Through these sessions we talk about life, passions, struggles, and occupations. The class is very intimate so everyone gets a chance to meet a new friend, ask me any questions, and to see some of my art in person for the first time. By connecting to my audience I have gained many new friends, opportunities, knowledge, clients, and priceless moments. Doing more with people has helped me become a better listener, host, speaker, and being.

Jasmine: During the sessions you have alone in your studio—when you have that “think time” and those meditative moments—does the art you create, even though you know it will eventually end up in someone else's space, offer you healing or inspiration? Tell me about it.

Tiffany: During my creative sessions I have clarity and peace of mind.

In life we go through things that may be rough on us mentally and emotionally. When I am able to sit still [and alone] for many hours at a time, I notice that I am not affected by random negativity or drama.

I play Neo-soul, R&B, and soulful music. I love painting to music that I can relate to and music that forces me to feel. Music and painting combined forces me to reflect, cope, and become more self-aware.

Photo: Tiffany B Chanel

While painting, I have had time to understand that I may have just quickly outgrew many things and people due to my passion; [also] accepting that I may have had to let go of many things and individuals in order to accomplish [what] I am doing now. The peace of mind comes from allowing myself to accept my experiences and learn from them. The clarity comes from watching myself paint daily and being able to see my growth.

Jasmine: What legacy do you hope to leave behind for other women in the arts?

Tiffany: I would hope to leave behind a positive walkable journey that continues to impact others.

Jasmine: Tiffany, tell me one word that would describe your journey thus far.

Tiffany: Unimaginable

Jasmine: Are there any current or future projects you’d like to talk about?

Tiffany: I am working towards showcasing a new collection in September.

Jasmine: Where can you be found online/offline?

Tiffany: I can be found at

IG: @tiffanybchanel

FB fan page: Tiffany B Chanel

I am located in Brooklyn, Bed-Stuy to be exact.  

Jasmine: Thank you, Tiffany!

*Interview originally published August 7, 2017


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