
The Fire in Our Throats

The Fire in Our Throats is a speculative fiction, verse novel that weaves together the stories of twenty Black women from Cleveland, Ohio who, through everyday living, fight to stay alive in defiance of an evil peculiarity developed by The People Downtown: roots that wrap themselves around throats. Dry, rotting roots whose nourishment is sustained through feeding on the turbulence of dreams deferred, poverty, failing health, overworking, and unemployment. And these roots do thrive until one night, under the cool of indigo skies, Charmaine Height gathers the women to declare that this wickedness will have them no more. But will this daughter of the dawn remember the resistance of her mother, and lead the women of Cleveland on a revolution to take what is owed?

The Black woman, who has endured the lowest levels of living, is elevated in this work: her vernacular needs no correction; her thoughts no taming. The fire in her throat—wild and free.

Available on Amazon in paperback, hardcover, Kindle eBook.

125 mantras

For the Woman Who’s Known Pain; And Longs to Be Free

125 Mantras for the Woman Who’s Known Pain; And Longs to Be Free is for the woman who is too tired to engage lengthy workbooks or complex tasks to gain freedom in this season. It is for the woman who can only utter “save me” from her gut. The anguish has tried to overtake her, but it will not. This is for the woman who seeks to open a book that offers immediate relief in time of need - without needing a pen, only the will to speak bright words over dark thoughts.

These mantras take her through what she is finding, what she is moving, what she deserves, and what she is getting. That which she has. The woman she is. While working their way through this book, the reader will take head and understand these mantras in her own way - one that will lead her toward freedom. 

Available on Amazon in paperback and hardcover.